This document contains the decisions made under delegated authority on non-notified resource consent applications covering the period of 1 March to 31 March.
This report presents the results of the small mammal monitoring conducted at Key
Native Ecosystem (KNE) sites in May 2017.
The KNE programme aims to protect some of the best…
This report presents the findings of the second intertidal rocky shore monitoring undertaken in January 2017 at Flat Point in the Wairarapa. The semi-quantitative assessment recorded the abundance and diversity…
This report presents the findings of detailed sediment monitoring undertaken throughout the Hutt Estuary in January 2017. Monitoring includes measures of sediment grain size, nutrient and metal concentrations and invertebrate…
This report presents the findings of fine scale sediment monitoring at two intertidal sites in the Waikanae Estuary, on the Kapiti Coast. This monitoring was undertaken in January 2017…
Prepared for GWRC by Christian Zammit, NIWA