He tauākī pūtea Financial information and statements

Please check out the links below to read the full financial information and statement documents. 

Financial Overview 

Provides an overview of our forecast rates, operating expenditure and capital expenditure for our long-term plan.

Read the Financial Overview

Financial Assumptions 

The assumptions we applied in developing our Financial Forecasts.

Read the Financial Assumptions

Statement of accounting policies 

The accounting policies that have been applied to produce our Prospective Financial Statements.

Read the Statement of accounting policies

Prospective Financial Statements  

Our prospective Financial Statements provide detailed information on our forecast revenue and expenditure, assets and liabilities and our cashflow.

Read the Prospective Financial Statements

Disclosure statement 

The Benchmark Disclosure Statement outlines Greater Wellington’s planned financial performance in relation to various benchmarks (performance measures relative to other organisations) to enable assessment of whether we are prudently managing our revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and general financial dealings.

Refer to the regulations for more information, including definitions of some of the terms used in this statement.

Read the Disclosure statement

Rating Information

This section provides information on rates increase by rate type and district. We also provide detailed information on how rates are calculated.

Read the Rating Information

Updated 18 December 2024 at 16:14