Te Mahere Pae-Tawhiti Our Long Term Plan

Our 2024-34 Long Term Plan sets the strategic direction and priorities for us over the next ten years.

We look at the opportunities and challenges in our region as we develop our Long Term Plan. We carefully consider how these may affect the services we deliver and the ways we deliver them.

Section 93 of the Local Government Act (LGA) 2002 requires us to review our Long Term Plan every three years to make sure it remains relevant.

If changes are needed during the three years, we do this during the annual planning process and, if needed, consult with the public.

At the end of each financial year, an Annual Report is created, documenting financial, non-financial and service performance against targets set in the Long Term Plan or Annual Plan.

Our planning is guided by policy documents and other strategic planning documents which are described in legislation.

We develop specific operational plans which also inform the Long Term Plan.

The ‘levels of service’, programmes, projects and activities are the result of planning, evaluation and review under the direction of our Long Term Plan Committee and in consultation with our mana whenua partners and communities.

In this Long Term Plan you will find information about:

  • The context we have used to direct our planning and ensure our partnerships and programmes are aligned with our priorities and community outcomes.
  • The non-financial and financial assumptions we have made that help us guide our planning.
  • The activities of Council and how they contribute to the outcomes we want for the region.
  • How we fund each activity.
  • Council-controlled organisations (CCO).
  • 30-year Infrastructure Strategy that sets out our assets and how we are going to manage them.
  • 10-year Financial Strategy that sets out all the financial information.
  • The policies that support our decision making.

We consulted with our communities on two key topics from 18 March to 22 April. A digital forward campaign promoted this consultation using social media (Facebook, X, YouTube), digital billboards, radio, etc.

During the consultation we asked about two key topics:

  1. Should Greater Wellington have more control over the region’s public transport assets?
  2. Does the public agree with the proposal for Greater Wellington to acquire additional shares of CentrePort and become 100 percent shareholder?

A total of 740 submissions were received from 567 unique submitters. These were either by individuals or on behalf of a group or organisation.

Most submissions were received directly through the ‘Have Your Say’ online portal and 107 submissions received either via email or as hardcopies.

Fifteen people spoke at informal discussions with LTP Committee members and 30 at the formal hearings held on 21 and 23 May 2024.

Updated 18 December 2024 at 16:12