Ngā akoranga nō mātou i wānanga tahi ki a koutou What we have learned from consulting with you

567 unique submitters made 740 submissions. Most submissions were received directly through the ‘Have Your Say’ online portal, with 109 submissions received either via email or as hardcopies. ​ 

Pie graph showing that 55 people (14%) said no and 343 (86%) people said yes to the question 'Should we have more control over our key public transport assets?'

We asked you…

Should we have more control over our key public transport assets?

We heard that you agree that Greater Wellington should, over the long term, increase control over key public transport bus assets (charging stations and depots).

Our response

Over the long term, we will increase control over key public assets. In the long term this should be cost neutral. 


Pie graph showing that 62 people (16%) said no and 325 (84%) said yes to the question 'Do you support the development of a Greater Wellington controlled bus depot in Lyall Bay?'

We asked you…

Do you support the development of a Greater Wellington controlled bus depot in Lyall Bay?

We heard that you do support the proposed funding in this Long Term Plan period for the development of a Greater Wellington controlled bus depot in Lyall Bay (noting the financial commitments from New Zealand Transport Agency). Some of you expressed concern about the natural hazard risks associated with sea level rise when it comes to the location of bus depots which we have taken on board. 

Our response

We'll include the development of a bus depot in the southern part of our Region in our Long Term Plan. 

Pie graph showing that 55 people (14%) said no and 333 (86%) people said yes to the question 'Do you support funding for the development, purchase or increased Greater Wellington control of other strategic bus assets?'

We asked you…

Do you support funding for the development, purchase or increased Greater Wellington control of other strategic bus assets?

We heard that you support funding for the development, purchase or increased Greater Wellington control of other strategic bus assets (including development of a bus depot in North Wellington).

Our response

We have included funding for increased control of other strategic bus assets in our Long Term Plan. 

Pie graph showing that 87 people (29%) said no and 214 (71%) people said yes to the question 'Should we buy shares to become a 100% shareholder of CentrePort?'

We asked you…

Should we buy shares to become a 100% shareholder of CentrePort?

We heard that you agree with the proposal for Greater Wellington to buy additional shares of CentrePort to be 100% shareholder.  

Our response

We'll look into buying CentrePort shares from Horizons Regional Council but not at any price. We'll let you know about progress on this through future Annual Plans. 

Our response to other things you told us

You told us the following things are also important to you  Our response 
Some submitters told us that they didn’t think it was fair for rural Wairarapa residents to have to contribute towards a public transport network that they don’t really use.  
  • Public transport helps ease congestion and reduces regional emissions, providing advantages for everyone. Your rates take into account where you live and the access you have to public transport.  
Undertaking Plan Changes to incorporate Whaitua recommendations   
  • Add $8.15m extra funding over the first three years from 2024/25 for Natural Resource Plan Changes .
Increasing pest management in the region 
  • Add $100,000 in 2024/25 for funding of community pest management initiatives outside of Wellington City.
  • Redirect $100,000 from funding included in the LTP for pest management volunteer support starting in 2025/26.
Understanding and protecting the coastal marine environment
  • Add $50,000 funding in 2024/25 to support the design of a long term solution to the leachate problem within the Haewai/Houghton Valley catchment, with the co-design process to include mana whenua, the community, Wellington City Council and Wellington Water Limited.
  • This Long Term Plan tells you more about the work we are doing in this space.
  • Review our coastal marine environment programme and report to the Environment Committee on any further opportunities that exist and the implications of those for future Annual Plans.
Increasing access to Hiwinui Forest Block in the Wairarapa and consideration of it becoming a Regional Park 
  • Report to the Environment Committee regarding the transition timeline to establish a Regional Park in the Hiwinui Forest Block area, including what would be required and the scope for transitioning some of the pine forestry into native forest.
  • Fund increased access: 
    • $400,000 total capital expenditure for 2026/27.
    • $75,000 per annum operating expenditure from 2024/25 (including $25,000 for mana whenua kaitiaki-kaupapa funding).
Working in partnership with each other 
  • Partnership with our communities, mana whenua partners, territorial authorities and other organisations is very important to us too!
  • We will progress conversations with mana whenua, community groups and organisations about topics which you told us were important to you: 
    • Access to Ōtaki Lakes,
    • Greater Wellington’s Living Wage commitment
    • Pest management in the Aorangi Forest Park
    • Riding for the Disabled at Battle Hill
    • Activity in our coastal marine environment.
Updated 18 December 2024 at 16:11