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Supporting strategies and policies

Here we describe the supporting policies that guide our decision making. 

The following Policies are generally reviewed every three years, on the same cycle as the Long-Term Plan.  Reviews and amendments can be made outside of this cycle if there is a need for it. All amendments are publicly consulted on before council adopts any newly revised Policy. 


Te rautaki hanganga 2024-34 - Infrastructure strategy 2024-2034  

Greater Wellington’s Infrastructure Strategy tells you how we plan to manage our infrastructure over the next 30 years. To support the extraordinary region: thriving environment, connected communities, resilient future vision we have for the region, this strategy defines the nature of the challenges we face, our approach and options for dealing with those challenges; and the implications of these actions as we work towards intergenerational equity.  

Read the infrastructure strategy

Te rautaki ahumoni 2024-34 - Finance strategy 2024-2034 

Our Financial Strategy takes a long-term sustainable approach to service delivery and financial management. This means focusing on ensuring our levels of service and activity are financed and funded to generate and protect community outcomes and promote long-term community well-being. 

In planning for the next 10 years, Greater Wellington has both a stable financial position and a well-balanced infrastructure strategy that will enable us to respond to the various challenges the region will face in the coming decades. 

Read the finance strategy

Ko ngā tautoko ā-kaupapa here | Supporting policies

Ko te kaupapa here Moni Whiwhi me te Ahumoni - Revenue and Financing Policy 

The Revenue and Financing policy describes how we intend to fund our expenditure. It outlines the sources of funding that we intend to use, and the relative level of funding from each source, for each activity.

Ko ngā kaupapa here Whakahaere Tūraru Rawa tae noa ki te whakahaere Kawenga, Haumi hoki - Treasury Risk Management Policy, including Liability Management and Investments Policies 

The Treasury Risk Management Policy provides the framework for all the Council’s treasury management activities. It defines key responsibilities and the operating parameters within which treasury activity is to be carried out.

Ko ngā kaupapa here Whakaiti Reti me te Tārewa - Rates Remission and Postponement Policies 

The Rates Remission and Postponement Policies address financial assistance and support for ratepayers, as well as anomalies and other schemes. We may remit some or all the regional council rates in special circumstances where it considers it just and equitable to do so.

Ko te kaupapa here Hirahira me Tūhono - Significance and Engagement Policy 

The Significance and Engagement Policy records how we consider community views and preferences when making decisions. It identifies how and when communities can expect to be engaged in, or specifically consulted on, proposals, assets, decisions and activities. It enables us and our communities to understand the significance that we place on certain issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities.

Updated 3 July 2024 at 14:57