Ecological Restoration Priorities for the Porirua Stream and its Catchment

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  • Published Date Fri 01 May 2009
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This publication reports on ecological restoration and
biodiversity protection issues in the Porirua Stream
catchment. It focuses restoration recommendations on
public land, but within the framework of integrated
catchment management some issues are discussed with
reference to both public and private land.

The report assists in facilitating the management of the
catchment across city council boundaries by identifying
priorities and issues for all groups and organisations
involved. It focuses on the following: identifying and providing
a broad-scale ecological and landscape description of the
catchment; identifying broad-scale priority areas for: community
engagement and support; riparian planting and restoration;
weed control; and protection mechanisms.

Issues addressed are: key pressures on the stream health
(eg erosion, stormwater contamination, sedimentation); and
restoration of fish passage.
Updated 6 December 2022 at 23:36